Outdoor Security Camera


Constructed from 0.2-inch stainless steel, the MOBOTIX V16 is a bulletproof, corner-mounted IP dual-lens camera designed for monitoring potentially volatile and dangerous conditions. It’s made for high-security environments like military bases and sites, prisons, embassies, and other facilities with potentially dangerous environmental conditions. 

mx V16 PersRE mobotix outdoor bulletproof security camera

Key Features

  • Two-way audio with an integrated microphone and speaker
  • Bullet-proof armor plating
  • Versatile installation
  • MxManagementCenter video management software
  • Recording on an internal MicroSD card (4 GB standard)
  • Day or night 6MP sensor modules available
  • Weatherproof and bulletproof camera housing (IP66, IK10+)
(855) 948-5679